Finding my way back on the PEACEful Path of Recovery
Recovery, Reflection, and Returning to PEACE
Well, hello there. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m sorry I’ve been so absent this year. I had such big plans for this space, but as we all know, life loves to laugh at our plans. It’s been quite the year for me. If you’ve read any of my posts, you’ll know I’ve spent a painful amount of time lost in the weeds of depression, grief, anxiety, and a general stuckness. This probably has something to do with menopausal hormonal changes layered over my usual mental health challenges.
I’ve made lots of promises about how I was going to show up and serve you here, my lovely and loyal subscribers. And I haven’t lived up to those promises. For that, I’m truly sorry.
But here’s the good news: I’m back. My mental health has had all the downtime it needs (for now, at least), and it’s time for me to get back into action. After all, there’s only so much Desperate Housewives you can binge on Disney+ before you start to crave a more productive life!
I’ve got so much to share with you. This year, I’ve truly been living the principles of my PEACEful Path of Recovery as I’ve worked to rebuild my mental health.
I’ve been reconnecting to my purpose. Not just my purpose in the work I do, but in the small moments of everyday life. What purpose do my recovery and wellbeing practices serve? How do I show up in my relationships? What’s the meaning behind the way I spend my time?
I’ve reevaluated my daily practices, identifying which ones nourish my recovery and which don’t. I’ve faced and worked through some deeply painful emotions. My awareness of my values, strengths, triggers, and reactions has grown. I’ve also embraced acceptance - of emotions, experiences, and triggers that once caused me distress.
I’ve deepened my connections to the important people in my life, to nature, and to myself. And I’ve learned more about my energy. What depletes it, what replenishes it, and, most importantly, the critical role of rest and hydration (a real challenge for a hyperactive ADHD brain!).
This journey has been transformational, and I want the same for you. Whether or not you consider yourself in recovery, I believe we could all use a little more PEACE in our lives, don’t you?
Back in the summer, I promised a program here for paid subscribers where we could explore the PEACEful Path of Recovery together. Today, I’m happy to share that on January 1st, we’re beginning that journey.
Each week, I’ll post an essay, free for all subscribers, exploring one principle of the PEACEful Path and how it supports recovery and wellbeing. For paid subscribers, there will be additional resources including journaling questions, embodiment practices, nature-connection exercises, and even group calls. Together, we’ll explore what the PEACEful Path looks like for you.
I’m so excited to finally bring this to life. I know it’s going to be a powerful journey for all of us.
And to thank my wonderful paid subscribers for their patience and support, I’m sharing some journaling questions below to help you start your PEACEful Path today.